Friday, January 20, 2012

One Morning, 3 Perspectives

  • I was expecting my Marimba alarm sound, instead I get an early wake up call with my water bottle getting knocked off my bedside table. A little annoyed.
  • Why isn’t she getting out of bed, I’m hungry.
  • Silence

  • I throw on my fleecy pants and get the food out of the cupboard, careful not to put too much in
  • Glad she is finally feeding me. I’ll let her know later, but for now why won’t she get out of the way of the bowl. I’m so hungry
  • Silence, *coffee making process in process*

  • Tea time. Happy
  • Ate too much. *Puke *
  • "Ah come on!," Racing to clean up

  • Sigh, not so happy, puke was on the carpet, inches away from the easy to clean floor
  • Ah much better, kinda hungry again
  • “Really? This is how we start the day?”

  • Have to get ready for workout, gotta change. God I look fat. * walk around the apartment trying to get all my gear together. Tripped over cat *
  • Why does she keep walking back and forth? I just want to thank her, and snuggle. I guess I’ll just keep following her.
  • She’s looking good. Good coffee.

  • * Go to gym*
  • *Crying at door *. Why would she leave? I miss her. Maybe if I bring her my favorite toy to the door she’ll come back. * cry *
  • “Oh my god STOP! She’ll be back soon!”

  • Why do I do this, I think I’m gonna puke, gotta get back into shape
  • Fine, whatever, I guess I’ll go sleep on her spot on the bed
  • Ah peace. Let’s see if I can get some work done
(one hour in between and the three feelings are respectively)
  • Suffering yet Motivated
  • Sad but Tired and Cozy
  • Content

  • Walk into apartment. “Ahhh! thank you for the present at the door!”, I love my cats so much. ‘Hey honey how are you I love you.” 
  • HOLY CRAP SHE’S HOME! *tear down the hall to meet her * I love her
  • I like it when she’s around. ‘Hi honey, I love you too, how was your workout?”

 Have a great weekend! with love from Pdub

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